Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Registrare und Sammlungsspezialisten,

Die Hausbachklamm bei Weiler-Simmerberg, Bernds Heimatort.

Es ist meine traurige Pflicht Sie und Euch zu informieren, dass am 25. März, auf den Tag genau 11 Jahre nach seinem Vater, 4 Tage nach seinem 51. Geburtstag mein Kollege, Lebensgefährte, Seelenverwandter und bester Freund Bernd plötzlich und unerwartet verstorben ist. Ich bin immer noch dabei mich zu sammeln und kann mich im Moment nicht um diesen Blog kümmern. Ich hoffe, dass ich in der Zukunft darauf zurückkommen kann, da er immer gesagt hat, dass die Arbeit daran mich sichtbar glücklich macht.

Wir haben sogar mal einen Beitrag zusammen geschrieben, den Sie vielleicht noch einmal lesen möchten: „Haushaltsgeräte, Möbel und darüber hinaus – Technische Objekte erfassen

Bis hoffentlich bald


Dieser Beitrag ist auch auf italienisch erhältlich, übersetzt von Marzia Loddo.


40 thoughts on “Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Registrare und Sammlungsspezialisten,”

  1. Dear Angela,
    I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find the space you need to heal. We will be here when you return, but will miss you in the meantime.

  2. Dear Angela,

    Words cannot express how you must feel. I am deeply sorry for your loss and you are in my thoughts. even though we have never met, I feel as though I have met you and know you. Your work in registration is amazing and I hope you are able to find peace.

  3. Dear Angela,

    There are no adequate words to comfort you at this time. I pray that you will find the strength to go on and that family and friends will be there for you when you need them most. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

  4. Dear Angela, I am deeply sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

  5. I’m so sorry to hear this. For now, look after yourself; but I do hope that, in due course, you’ll feel able to start writing again. In the meantime, we’ll miss you.

  6. Sorry to hear this. Take time to take care of yourself. I hope you’ll find your writing drive again at some point: this has been both a great resource and an enjoyable reading.

  7. I’m so very sorry for your loss, Angela. The entire registrar community is thinking of you. Sending you warm wishes from over here.

  8. Dear Angela,

    My colleagues and I at the National Postal Museum are so sorry to hear of your loss. We will be thinking of you during this difficult time.

    Patricia Raynor
    National Postal Museum
    Smithsonian Institution

  9. Dear Angela

    We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you at this very sad time.

    Lucy Blaxland
    Collections Manager
    History of Science Museum

  10. There are no words for your sorrow but you are surrounded by your family and friends’s love and it will help a bit. Be strong

  11. Dear Angela, so sorry for your loss. My partner Alistair died less than four months ago. The support of my friends, colleagues, and family has been invaluable. My condolences and best wishes to you. Rachelx

  12. Angela,

    I am so sorry to hear this news. Please take as much time as you need, but do come back. THe contribution you make with this blog is indeed great.


  13. Dear Angela – I am so sorry. Take your time, don’t hurry, and eventually things will start to feel better.

    Thinking of you,

    Barry Knight

  14. Dear Angela,
    I’m sorry for your loss. My heart goes out for you. Take all the time you need, your health and well being is of utmost importance.
    (If I may be so bold) hugs,

  15. Dear Angela, Please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your dear loved one. My heart goes out to you and Bernd’s family and friends. Take care of yourself. We will all be here when you are ready or need us.

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