Der Tag, an dem Du einen Artikel für Registrar Trek übersetzt, und Du entdeckst, dass die Geräte, die die Transporteure immer „Kojak“ nennen (der Begriff, den Du immer verwendest, seit Du damit Kutschen bewegen musstest) in Wirklichkeit „Go-Jacks“ heißen…
(Aktualisieren des Vokabulars in meinem kleinen Kopf: erledigt !)
Demonstration der Nutzung von Go-Jacks :
Der Artikel, der die Entdeckung erst ermöglichte: Transport und Ausstellung des Rolls-Royce von John Lennon
I work for a history museum that shares an atrium with a car museum. We had an old car that we had to move from one end of our museum to another, taking off doors in the process so that it would fit. Someone had to sit inside and steer, we had to lift and pivot at points…all in all, it took half a dozen of us over two hours to move the car. At the end of our task, one of the curators from the car museum came over and simply asked, „Why didn’t you just borrow our go-jacks?“ *sigh*
LOL – well, well, next time you’ll know to ask the neigbours, first. 🙂
I have to say, that for the carriages we didn’t had the idea at first…
We move the two biggest ones (5 tons & 2,5 tons) with 6 persons… At the end of the day, the leader of the handlers says :“OK, tomorrow for the other ones, we come with „Kojaks“…“ – „Ko-WHAT ?????“….Now I know…..