Tag Archives: analysing data

Build Your Own Data Logger – Investigating Your Climate Graphs

I’m certain you all looked at climate graphs a lot in your professional career and tried to make sense of what you see. We now want to use Calc or Excel to get to know your gallery climate and make decisions about trigger values for an alarm system. Yes, at the moment our logger is just a dumb device that sits in the corner and registers what happens. But we can tell it to blink a warning with its LEDs when a climate value is not okay, we can give it a piezo speaker so it can ring a warning tone or we can build another logger who is able to send warning messages via WiFi. But you might remember Aesop’s boy who cried wolf? Yep, if alarms come too frequently and for no serious reasons we tend to ignore them. That’s why we first have to understand what is usual and unusual behavior of our room climate by analyzing our graphs.

The problem with fixed trigger values

Most devices with an alarm function allow to set up an alarm when the temperature or humidity is above or beyond a certain value. Good professional devices allow to decide how many times a reading has to be beyond or above this value to trigger an alarm, avoiding alarms caused by only minor trespasses or simple false readings of a sensor.
This is good for institutions with a relatively stable climate like it is provided by a HVAC system. Here we can set an alarm if the temperature falls beyond 19 °C (66 °F) or rises above 22 °C (71 °F) and we can define a slightly broader range for our relative humidity, probably circling around 55%. But if you are still reading an article series that deals with building your own data logger you probably don’t have this ideal setting.
More likely (museum studies students, brace yourself, here comes a real-life graph) it will look like this:

A real-life graph with usual and unusual climate swings.
A real-life graph with usual and unusual climate swings.

It’s not that this climate is not problematic. But there are problematic things happening and there are a lot of things happening that are just “normal” for this not-so-ideal storage room. For example, the temperature climbing from 17 °C to 23 °C (62 to 73 °F) in some up-and-down waves during May is pretty normal. A trigger warning at 22 °C (71 °F) would be pretty useless as the room has only a heating device.
On May 2nd, there is a sudden jump in relative humidity within just 35 minutes:

A sudden rise of relative humidity from under 47% to over 52% within 35 minutes.
A sudden rise of relative humidity from under 47% to over 52% within 35 minutes.

Ironically, a standard humidity alarm would probably stop alarming as this happens, because the humidity goes from a value that is not so ideal in theory into a range that is widely regarded as ideal. But as the collections manager of a not-so-ideal setting this occurence is definitely out of the normal behavior of the room. Someone might have left the door open, allowing wet air to come in. You want to check what’s wrong there. But how will you know?

A warning of sudden changes

We need a more flexible warning system, one that sends us a warning when sudden changes in humidity and/or temperature take place. One simple way to do this is to subtract the current measurement from the previous measurement. We get a value that tells us something about the change in the timespan we set between our measurements.
With our knowledge from the previous article on using Calc you should now be able to write a formula that subtracts the second humidity measurement from the first (Hint: the formula is “=C2-C1”) and apply it to all values of the column with the “fill” function. It’s pretty similar in Excel, by the way.

Subtracting a humidity value from the previous value.
Subtracting a humidity value from the previous value.

We get a column with values that tell us something about change over time. It is now easy to make a diagramm that lets us see what values are widely off the mark. Hint: you can hide the columns you don’t need in your diagramm before you mark the columns you do need. Maybe this time we choose points instead of lines:

A diagramm of changes.
A diagramm of changes.

While you could deduct the dramatic changes from the original graph, this new graph gives you a better overview and a handle to define about which changes you really want to get notified. You see that everything below 1 is probably pretty normal and would produce too many warnings if you set the trigger there. Everything above 1 is probably something you would like to know about immediately, not just when the monthly climate report arrives.

In real life we have used this for fine-tuning our climate warnings at the TECHNOSEUM. There are areas with well-known climate swings and some that need closer attention. For most areas, I get a warning email when a temperature or humidity change is over 1 degree within 5 minutes. If it is over 3 degrees other colleagues responsible for that area get a warning email. This keeps me aware of a lot of changes and I can look at the graphs to decide whether to check or call a colleague, while the other colleagues stay unbothered most of the time, but can check immediately if something goes very wrong.

The slow, steady, evil change

This is good, but it doesn’t warn you about another thing that creeps a collections manager out: The slow and steady change of a failed heating or a water leak. To show you what I mean, let’s take a look at another real-life graph:

A slow and steady rise in humidity.
A slow and steady rise in humidity.

The room has a rather stable climate at about 40% relative humidity. At about 8 p.m. humidity starts rising. Slowly, but steadily until it reaches 46,7% at about 1:30 a.m the next morning. Nothing our warning system would have warned us about, because the changes between two humidity values are minor. If we want to implement a warning system for this kind of changes, we need something else. We need a warning for problematic tendencies.

How can we do this? We first need to define a timespan we want to take as the basis of our calculations. Let’s take 30 minutes. If we count the differences between the 6 last values and divide it by 5, we get a value for the tendency. By now, you should be able to build the formular for this yourself. It is:
(If C is your column with humidity values.)

By making a diagramm out of it and comparing it with our original curve, we get an idea how the problematic changes look like:

The tendency values against the original curve.
The tendency values compared to the original curve.

We can now assume that getting a warning if the tendency shows a value over 0.5 would be a good idea. But, much more than with the value for rapid change, this is highly dependend on your setup and might be different from monitored space to monitored space. There might be some less-than-ideal storage areas where you can’t use it at all, because rise and fall of humidity and temperature is simply normal, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Let’s do a test so it becomes clear what I mean…

Bringing it all together

When we look again at the first 3 days of our scary graph above (you can download all the values here), how would our warning system react?

3 days in May…

Our first trigger warning comes on the 1st of May at about 8 a.m. when the constantly rising tendency in humidity first passes the 0.5 mark. This trigger value is met a couple of times throughout the morning, so there would be plenty of time to check an react.

First trigger warning comes in 8:07 on May 1st.

Our next warning comes a day later at about 10 o’clock. This time it’s a warning of sudden change. We can see the sudden change warning triggering before the tendency warning follows suit 5 minutes later:

Sudden change warning and tendency warning on May 2nd.

About 1 1/2 hours later we see a rapid decrease and some more tendency warnings as humidity goes back to “normal”.

We see again a rising tendency (although not as long enduring as the one May 1st) at about 4:30 p.m. that day, the next at about 10:30 a.m. the following day, next at 1 p.m., next at 8 p.m.

7 warnings in 3 days.

In the timespan of only 3 days our tendency warnings came in 7 times. Warning of sudden change came in 2 times. A warning for a fixed value… well if we would have defined a fixed warning when the humidity rises above 40% we would have gotten a constant warning starting at about 1 p.m. on May 1st – 5 hours after our tendency warning kicked in.

If this graph came from a climate controlled storage area I certainly wanted to get all 7 tendency warnings, because, seriously, this is NOT a good graph! I probably even set my tendency warnings as low as 0.2 or 0.3. For a well known not-so-ideal storage area, well, the warning for sudden changes will do. I won’t change German weather but I sure want to catch leaking ceiling windows or gates left open in wet weather.

I hope you had fun with this little analysis of data. I did. We might like to improve our logger on the basis of these findings…

Read the other posts for this project:

Build Your Own Data Logger – Processing Data With Microsoft Excel

In the last post I recommended OpenOffice Calc by Apache (https://www.openoffice.org/product/index.html) to use as the go-to spreadsheet software, but for those of you who might have the Microsoft Office Suite anyway, here we have the same in Excel:

Instead of opening our “MyLogger.csv” (which would mess up the data pretty badly), we first create a new spreadsheet. Then we choose the “Data” panel and “from text”. We choose our file and hit “import”. We choose the option that we have “separated” values. Then we hit “next”.

Our csv file in the preview window.
Our csv file in the preview window.

The next window allows us to specify how our values are separated. In our case they are separated by a comma.

As we choose “comma” the preview window shows us how it separates the values.

After we hit next, we got the option to choose a format for our values. Easy to screw your data if you choose the wrong one. In most cases, you can leave it set to “standard”.

You can choose the format of the data in all the columns seperately.
You can choose the format of the data in all the columns seperately.

There is a special trick to shoot yourself in the foot if you are working with another language package than the English one. In German, the seperator for decimals is the comma, not the point. In the German language package Excel won’t recognize your decimals as decimals if you leave the “.” from the original software and do all kinds of funny things with them, like forgetting everything after the point or not interpreting your numbers as numbers. You have to choose the decimal separator for each column in the “Options…” field.

Tweak for decimals in foreign languages.
Tweak decimals in foreign languages.

When you hit finish you get another dialog where you just hit “ok”. Now you do have the data in your spreadsheet. We proceed much like we did in Calc. We will add a new column at the beginning for our timestamp. We create the time stamp by joining our data in the right format: We put our cursor in A1 and type “=” which indicates the beginning of a formula. Then we type in the first field “D1”, place an “&”to join it with the next piece we need, which is a “/”. We type that in quotation marks because otherwise our software will interprete the / as a division. We add the next field, which is E1, with & and so on. After 6 fields, two “/”s, a blank and two “:” we have:
=D1&”/”&E1&”/”&F1&” “&G1&”:”&H1&”:”&I1
When we hit enter, we should see a nice, clean timestamp in A1:

Our first timestamp.
Creating a timestamp from data in columns D to I.

Now we want this in our whole A column. We look how many rows of data we have, which in this case is 8484 rows, yours might differ. We now go to the address field, write “A1:A8484” and hit enter. This tells Excel that we want to do something in all A fields from A1 to A8484. That’s why these are marked now. Next up we go to the “start” menu and choose the “fill” option on the far right of our screen. There we choose “down”. Now all our data sets have a nice timestamp made from columns D to I.

We select all our A fields in the address field and choose the fill option.
We select all our A fields in the address field and choose the fill option.

Ready to have a nice diagramm? Okay, here we go. You first mark the colums A to C which hold all the data we want to see in our graph. Then we choose the diagramm option from the “Insert” menu. You can either go to “recommended diagramms” or directly choose “lines”.

Choose your diagramm options.
Choose your diagramm options.

If you hit “lines” your graph will be generated on the spot, otherwise you can look at the recommendations and play around with them:

Diagramm options.
Diagramm options.

Now we have a nice diagramm to enhance, rename and play around with:

Climate graph ready.
Climate graph ready.

So, now Calc and Excel users are on the same page, so next up we can do some nice things with our data…

Read the other posts for this project:

Build Your Own Data Logger – Processing Data with OpenOffice Calc

Collecting data is nice, but not a value in itself. We collect data with our logger to actually do something with it. To process our data further I will use OpenOffice Calc by Apache (https://www.openoffice.org/product/index.html). Why Calc and not Excel? Various reasons: it’s free, it’s open source, it’s available for Windows, Linux and Mac and, most important, it is very user friendly for processing data. It beats Excel on many fields, at least in my opinion (I will follow up with an Excel part of this, though).

So, now we have made a software that saved our climate data as “MyLogger.csv” on our SD card. Next up we will save it from the SD card to our computer and open it with OpenOffice Calc. You should get something that looks like this:

Window when you open a csv-file directly with Calc
Window when you open a csv-file directly with Calc

Yours might be in English, though. Basically the program suggests to make a spreadsheet out of your comma separated values using the comma as marker for the columns – which is exactly what we need. If you used different separators, you can adjust this in this dialogue. Once you are satisfied with how the preview looks you hit “OK”.

Your raw data spreadsheet.
Your raw data spreadsheet.

While we could make a graph for temperature and humidity right there and then, it’s probably better to have our date and time in a format we can use. We could have fixed this in our software already – but nobody is perfect, we just note this for our improvements. For now, we just add another column to our spreadsheet: we mark our column A and choose “Insert”–>Column. A new column A appears on the left of our original column, which is now “B”.

Our new empty column A.
Our new empty column A.

Now we will make a nice, new date and time out of this snipplets we got in column D to I. We want our timestamp to look like this: “2017/4/1 0:1:22″To do that, we combine the data from the colums with a formula, which means we put our cursor in A1 and type “=” which indicates the beginning of a formula. Then we type in the first field “D1”, place an “&”to join it with the next piece we need, which is a “/”. We type that in quotation marks because otherwise our software will interprete the / as a division. We add the next field, which is E1, with & and so on. After 6 fields, two “/”s, a blank and two “:” we have:
=D1&”/”&E1&”/”&F1&” “&G1&”:”&H1&”:”&I1
When we hit enter, we should see a nice, clean time stamp in A1:

The formula entered and executed.
The formula entered and executed.

We want this in all our A columns, right? But we first have to see how many rows of data we have, so we look into our last row, which is in this case the 8484, yours might be different. We now go to the address field, write “A1:A8484” and hit enter. This tells our Calc that we want to do something in all A fields from A1 to A8484. That’s why these are marked now.

We select all our A fields in the address field.
We select all our A fields in the address field.

Now comes the trick. From the “Edit” menu we choose the “fill” option and choose “down”. Now all our data sets have a nice time stamp made from columns D to I.

From the "edit" menu, choose "fill" and then "down".
From the “edit” menu, choose “fill” and then “down”.

Ready to have a nice diagramm? Okay, here we go. You first mark the colums A to C which hold all the data we want to see in our graph. Then we choose the diagramm option from the “Insert” menu:

Choose the "diagramm..." option from the "Insert" menu.
Choose the “diagramm…” option from the “Insert” menu.

For the diagramm type we choose “lines”. In the background we already get an idea of how our graph will look like.

We choose the lines for a type.
We choose the lines for a type.

We can now hit “finish” or do some adjustments like giving our diagramm a title. As soon as we hit “finish” we have a graph that we can drag around, enhance and even cut out and paste in a new spreadsheet, just as we please.

The finished graph.
The finished graph.
There, we have a nicely enhanced graph in an added spreadsheet.
There, we have a nicely enhanced graph in an added spreadsheet.

With all the Calc knowledge we gained now, we will next up tweak our data the way we want it. Like: Those temperatures are in Celsius and we want them in Fahrenheit. But first, we will do the same in Microsoft Excel, for those who feel more comfortable with this…

Read the other posts for this project: