Dear readers,
sometimes life gets in your way. Due to more important family duties I will not be able to attend the European Registrars Conference in Vienna (more info: next month. As I initially planned to inform you all with session reports I am now looking for volunteers to step up. Who will attend and feels like writing something about the event? Or reporting on a single session that inspired him or her? Or a session that made him/her mad? These reports are all very welcome. Please leave a comment if you are willing to volunteer.
Thank you all very much!
If only I could go there…. ;(
Dear Angela,
I will write a report for my colleagues, and for our website (a blog).
So I can always sent you my notes if you are interested.
Kind regards,
Julie Lambrechts
FARO Vlaams steunpunt voor cultureel erfgoed
Hi Julie,
sounds awesome, I would be delighted!
Best wishes
Dear Angela,
I am sorry to hear you will not be able to attend, I was hoping to meet you there! I am writing up a report for my colleagues in any case, and will try to write up a special report about a session that catches my particular interest for this website!
best wishes,
Catharina van Daalen
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Dear Catharina,
thank you so much. I’m looking forward to your report. I’m really sad I can’t attend, too, because it would have been a great chance to meet many of our contributors and readers. But, as much as I love museums and my work, family comes first.
Best wishes,