Η ομάδα

5 απαντήσεις στο “Η ομάδα”

  1. For the attention of Mr. Matt Leininger

    Dear Mr. Leininger – I have watched, for the first time, “Art and Craft”, and found it to be a wholly different kind of story than I had expected. I was very touched by the history of Mr. Landis, and the kind of loneliness and psychological fragility that motivated his “philanthropy” over the last 30 years or so.

    I do not know Mr. Landis’s whole story, so I was quite disturbed that you were so dogged in your pursuit of him, wanting him to stop what he had been doing in terms of his art forging activities. With respect to you as an art professional, I do, however, take issue with your attitude, and with this quote from Alec Wilkinson’s article “The Giveaway” in The New Yorker (8/26/2013):

    “I’m not angry anymore, but if I find that he is still at it I would be. About his only next option, though, is to shave that grizzly face of his and tuck those ears back and put on a wig and go as a woman.”

    Firstly, although I know that art forgery is wrong, Mr. Landis was not taking money for it. The thing that gave him pleasure, immersion in art, acting as a philanthropist, did not hurt anyone. He was not violent nor threatening, but polite and mild-mannered, and I assume that he was motivated by a need to be loved, to have some refuge from the loss of his parents. And yet, I find your words, as quoted above, to be illustrative of a complete absence of empathy and compassion for Mr. Landis, focussing on small things about his physical appearance that obviously irritate you, even encouraging further deception (that he “go as a woman”).

    Mr. Leininger, you are younger and stronger than Mr. Landis. You have a family and very likely friends too. I have read also that you are a printmaker, so I assume that from your involvement, both academic and practical, in the art world, you would have some innate sensitivity. And yet, none of that is apparent in your relating to Mr. Landis.

    So, this is a plea from the heart. There are many people in the USA and the world who have certain gifts, who are odd, who are annoying (I meet them every day too), but who harm no-one and who are often deeply unhappy and lonely inside. Please learn compassion.

    I wish you well.

    Barbara Jones
    London, UK.

  2. Español:

    Hola, mi nombre es Rosana Calderón, soy Perito en Restauración, y he trabajado en el inventario y registro de colección del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, controlado más de 600,000 objetos. El Proyecto Registrar Trek as translator, me parece una gran aportación global, y si puedo apoyarlos, me encantará. Puedo ayudar en traducciones inglés-español y viceversa.


    Hello, my name is Rosana Calderón, I am Proficient in Restoration, and have worked in the inventory and registration of collection of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, controlled more than 600,000 objects. Register Trek Project as translator, I think a global contribution, and if I can support, I love it. I can help with translations English-Spanish and vice versa.

    1. Español:

      Hola Rosana:

      Gracias por tu contacto y buena disposición para con nuestro blog. Eres bienvenida. Angela te dará más detalles.

      Un saludo muy cordial,


      Hi Rosana:

      Thank you for your willingness to contact with our blog. You’re welcome. Angela will give you more details.

      Best regards,

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