Update on 2nd edition of Managing Previously Unmanaged Collections – and Registrar Trek goes Aberdeen!

Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/jmclellon-23686126/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=7146389">Jamie McLennan</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=7146389">Pixabay</a>
Aberdeen South Breakwater Head Lighthouse (built 1815), picture by Jamie McLennan via Pixabay

Just a short update: Work on the next edition of “Managing Previously Unmanaged Collections” has begun. I start with doing a complete read-through, marking passages that are outdated, clumsily worded (I often used “he or she” which will now become “they”, for example), or could use a bit more clarification. If you have found something along these lines, please, let me know, a second pair of eyes is always best.

I have found a few colleagues willing to contribute real world examples and success stories, but I could still use a few examples from indigenous collections (preferably taken care of by people who have ties to the nations involved, but not a must) and digital collections.

If you happen to know someone who happens to know someone who knows someone… please spread the word!

In other news, I will be visiting Aberdeen at the beginning of September, doing my own version of work and travel – I will train a client and do some sightseeing and hiking in between. I am excited because the city itself and Aberdeenshire were still missing on my map! If you happen to live in the area and would like to get together over a coffee or a tea and some collections management chit-chat, drop me a line.

Stay hydrated, healthy, and happy, everyone.



2 thoughts on “Update on 2nd edition of Managing Previously Unmanaged Collections – and Registrar Trek goes Aberdeen!”

    1. Same here, always love seeing your name pop up. Which reminds me that I have a half-finished answering email to you sitting in my mail since forever which I had totally forgotten about! 😛

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