Happy 6th Birthday, Registrar Trek!

Boxes, boxes, boxes…
The days around Christmas are usually a bit calmer and easy going than the rest of the year. For me, it’s traditionally the time to tidy up my room and prepare for the upcoming year. I usually end up with a lot of boxes, one saying “projects in the works” for things I started off working on but for one reason or the other couldn’t follow through. There are a lot of things inside this time and there would be even more if it could contain virtual things like blog posts.

Looking forward to 2019 I can see it becoming an even more stressful year than 2018, both at work and in private. So, while I will work on (and hopefully finish) some of the blog posts in my virtual “projects in the works” box, I also know that I won’t be able to hang around the usual forums of museum professionals this year and thus won’t be able to frequently place a “Hey, how about writing something for Registrar Trek?” when I stumble upon some great story.

Whether it’s hands-on or more about theory, we need your help!
So, now it’s up to you. I ask you to either contribute your own stories and articles or encourage others who did something you think should be featured here. I can provide some help with editing and of course, we do have our team of translators on board, but we need you to help us with new blog posts!

Best wishes

2 thoughts on “Happy 6th Birthday, Registrar Trek!”

  1. Hi there! thanks for your hard work. I would love to contribute but my expertise is not related directly to Registrar… although I do interviews to artists to document them ideas in conservation.
    On the other hand, I would be happy to help with the translation from English to Spanish if you need so.

    Happy new year and lots of love

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