Category Archives: Uncategorized
Nous sommes Paris!
We are Paris!
There are no words for what happened in Paris last weekend. Instead, let us remain silent for a moment and commemorate the innocent victims that were brutally killed while enjoying their night out at a concert, a café or a restaurant in one of the most beautiful and cultural significant capitals of Europe. Let us also commemorate all those who are killed around the world every day by terrorist attacks and those who suffer and die fleeing from terrorism.
The Registrar Trek Team
This post is also available in Italian, translated by Marzia Loddo.
Registrars on the ISS!
A look on google analytics today revealed an unknown fact: There are registrar’s on the International Space Station (ISS) – or at least people who are watching Registrar Trek! Seems our Blog title isn’t as futuristic as it may seem…
Well, in fact it’s one of googles April Fool’s jokes, but a rather brilliant one, especially as the location moves with the real track of the ISS. Keep watching the stars!
As we are in a nonsense kind of mood today, here is a link to a game called “Must Escape the Museum”. A point and click adventure for the dark side of your registrar personality… you can actually touch those statues, dinosaurs and – to come back to our original topic – space suits. At least the standard mouse pointer is white gloved… Must escape the museum!