All posts by Aurore T

From “Kojak” to “Go-Jacks”

Go-Jacks Image :

Image :

This day you are translating an article for Registrar Trek, and you discover that what carriers call “Kojak” (term you thereby always use since you had to use it to move carriages) are called in reality “Go-Jacks”…


(Update of the vocabulary in my little head : done !)



Demonstration of the use of Go-Jacks :
The article that enabled this discovery : Art work, Artefact, Auto, and Pop-Culture Shrine, Part 2


Préparation des « petites charriotes » qui seront visibles à la ré-ouverture de la Galerie des Carrosses du Château de Versailles dès mai 2016.  Image : © Aurore T

Preparation of the « little carts » which will be visible at the re-opening of the Gallery of Carriages at the Palace of Versailles in May 2016.
Image : © Aurore T